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Episode III: Fundamental Gates

In this chapter, we will introduce quantum logic gates and how to apply them with Qiskit. At the end of this chapter, we will have created a circuit that:

The Hadamard Gate

Remember in the previous chapter where we mentioned superposition?

Hadamard gates put qubits into a superposition.

This is represented by a a Hadamard Matrix:


Luckily for us, this is easy to do in Qiskit. Let us demonstrate this through a basic circuit:

qubit0 = QuantumRegister(1, name = "qubit0") # Create a qubit on the quantum register
classic_bit0 = ClassicalRegister(1, name = "classic_bit0") # Create a classic bit on the classical register
circuit = QuantumCircuit(qubit0, classic_bit0) # Create a quantum circuit from our qubit/bit

circuit.h(qubit0) # Applies a Hadamard gate to qubit0

Recall from seminar that applying a Hadamard gate to a qubit means that upon measurement, there is an equal chance to observing a 0 or 1. In other words, the odds are fifty-fifty.


Additionally, the Hadamard gate is the one-qubit instance for the quantum Fourier transform.

With that being said, the .h() method is equivalent to the following code snippet:

state = [math.sqrt(1/2), math.sqrt(1/2)] # This is a vector in the form of a list: [alpha, beta]
circuit.initialize(state, qubit0) # Initializes qubit0 to the defined state

An important thing to note is that the Hadamard gate allows you to transform states of qubits between the X and Z bases.

The X-gate

The X-gate is a NOT gate in quantum computing. It’s pretty intuitive and will flip the state of a qubit.

This is represented by a Pauli-X Matrix:


In Qiskit, you can apply the X-gate using the .x() method:


Essentially, the X-gate maps the basis state |0⟩ to |1⟩, and vice-versa.

The Y-gate

The Y-gate is used for rotation around the Y-axis of the Bloch sphere (by pi radians).

This is represented by a Pauli-Y Matrix:


In Qiskit, it is represented by the .y() method:


The Y-gate maps the basis states |0⟩ to i|1⟩, and |1⟩ to -i|0⟩.

The Z-gate

The Z-gate is known as a phase-flip and is used for rotation around the Z-axis of the Bloch sphere (by pi radians).

This is represented by a Pauli-Z Matrix:


In Qiskit, it is represented by the .z() method:


The Z-gate does not affect the basis state |0⟩, but maps the basis state |1⟩ to -|1⟩.

Phase Shift Gates

Phase shift gates are important in the creation of advanced quantum algorithms. The R(phi)-gate is used to perform rotations (defined by phi radians) on the Bloch sphere. In fact, the Z-gate is a special case of the R(phi)-gate, where phi = pi. We will continue demonstrate this as we go on.

This is represented by the following matrix:


In Qiskit, the R(phi)-gate is represented by the .rz() method:

circuit.rz(phi, qubit) # where phi is in radians

This gate is fundamental for manipulating the spins of qubits around the Bloch sphere in terms of working in different bases.

They map basis states |0⟩ to |0⟩ and |1⟩ to e^(i*phi)|1⟩.

The S-gate

The S-gate is a variation of the R(phi)-gate where phi = pi/2. Essentially, it performs a 90-degree z-axis rotation on the Bloch sphere.

In Qiskit, it is represented by the .s() method:


The conjugate transpose of the S-gate is known as the Sdg gate (or S-dagger). You can use it in Qiskit with the .sdg() method:


It might not be obvious at first, but you can actually recreate the Sdg gate with the relation: Sdg = ZS.

Bringing it all together

By applying various combinations of the gates in this chapter, you can actually recreate some of them. For example, the X-gate is simple to implement using just Hadamard and Z-gates. In fact, it is just the relation: X = HZH.

Let’s try it:

def simulate(circuit): # this is a helper function for simulating and spitting out counts
    backend = Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')
    job = execute(circuit, backend, shots=1000) # Simulate our circuit 1000 times
    result = job.result()
    data = result.get_counts() # Retrieve data
    print("Counts: ", data) # Present data

qubit0 = QuantumRegister(1, name = "qubit0") # Create a qubit on the quantum register
classic_bit0 = ClassicalRegister(1, name = "classic_bit0") # Create a classic bit on the classical register
circuit = QuantumCircuit(qubit0, classic_bit0) # Create a quantum circuit from our qubit/bit

state = [0, 1] # This is a vector in the form of a list: [alpha, beta]
circuit.initialize(state, qubit0) # Initializes qubit0 to state |1⟩

# Refer to the relation defined above and write your code below using only Hadamard and Z-gates. 

circuit.measure(qubit0, classic_bit0) # Perform Z-measurement

We initialized our qubit to be in the |1⟩ state and since the X-gate acts like a NOT gate, you should find that your qubit will measure in the |0⟩ state every time.

Okay, that might have been too simple.

Let’s try and create the Y-gate using just the R(phi) and H-gates. A simple way to recreate the Y-gate is through the relation: Y = SX(Sdg). Can you implement this without explicitly using the Sdg method?

def simulate(circuit): # this is a helper function for simulating and spitting out counts
    backend = Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')
    job = execute(circuit, backend, shots=1000) # Simulate our circuit 1000 times
    result = job.result()
    data = result.get_counts() # Retrieve data
    print("Counts: ", data) # Present data

qubit0 = QuantumRegister(1, name = "qubit0") # Create a qubit on the quantum register
classic_bit0 = ClassicalRegister(1, name = "classic_bit0") # Create a classic bit on the classical register
circuit = QuantumCircuit(qubit0, classic_bit0) # Create a quantum circuit from our qubit/bit

state = [0, 1] # This is a vector in the form of a list: [alpha, beta]
circuit.initialize(state, qubit0) # Initializes qubit0 to state |1⟩

# Refer to the relation defined above and write your code below using only R(phi) and H-gates. 

circuit.measure(qubit0, classic_bit0) # Perform Z-measurement

Were you able to do it? Remember that solution code will be provided in the examples folder.


At this point, we have recreated the X and Y-gates in Qiskit. In the next episode, these gates will prove useful as we go over the use of multiple qubits and entanglement.

Let us head on to Episode IV!

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